︎ CPDP.ai 2024.  “Supervising the Mass Adoption of Algorithmic Technologies: The Future of Transparency and Accountability in AI”

︎ CPDP.ai 2024.  “Lifting the Hood on Big AI

︎ Vox Public 2024.  “Les Algorithmes et la Montée de la haine, du harcèlement et des discriminations en ligne”

︎ Most Wanted: Music 2023. About truths, beliefs and biases


︎ ZKM Karlsruhe 2023. “Decolonizing AI”


︎ TEDx Konstanz 2022. “Why is AI a Social Justice Issue?”

︎ Summer Scool on AI Ethics with Goethe Institute 2022. “Dreaming Beyond AI”

︎ Radical AI 2022.”Decolonial AI”

︎ Volume Podcast 2020. “Asking questions about Artificial Intelligence”