Feminist Tech Principles

Future visions, policy
Article:The Muhabbet Hub

Superrr Lab launched The Feminist Tech Framework: a set of work-in-progress guidelines for feminist tech policy-making and technology creation. The guidelines consist of 12 principles for feminist technology, which range from the intrapersonal to the global, and which are accompanied by a card deck and six essays envisioning more just technological futures.

I used speculative writing to envision a world in which people hold agency over their data and build community-driven technology.

“Nature, humans and identities are ever-changing and fluid. Sometimes the answers our minds seek are hidden in the cycles. We understand and observe them: how birds migrate each year, the cycle of a butterfly’s life and death and everything in-between, the changing of the seasons, the phases of the moon and our own phases. How our views, ideas, self-perceptions, goals, limitations, modify, change, transform. There is space for holding contradiction here, and our systems reflect that.”